

Rejig in Context: The given context is actually a pretty good explanation for rejig: the reshuffle that we had in the cabinet of ministers.  A reshuffle is essentially a rejig. There are two more words that can learnt from this paragraph: 1. Revamp: To renovate and...


The first task one is entrusted with for this word is to go through the list of definitions that the dictionary provides for it: 1. To transmit (money) in payment. 2. a. To refrain from exacting (a tax or penalty, for example); cancel. b. To pardon; forgive: remitted...


The ‘Sarah Palin E-mail Controversy’ is sure being talked about and we would also have our share of the pie, vocabulary wise. In brief the situation is something like this: news agencies and so on went after Palin’s mails when she was the Alaska Governor, there was a...


The word rescind comes from the same root as comes the word scissor. They both originate from scindere, meaning to cut or tear away. Hence, we have the meaning of the word rescind: to cut away (read as cancel) an agreement. The dictionary definitions for RESCIND are...


When I saw this video for the first time, I simply had to see it again and again and again. Life would be actually perfect if we could rewind to the moments we wish to revisit. We do have a word for what happens in this video (one word is an obvious one: rewind)....
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