

Mnemonic Tip to Learn Taint Taint and faint sound quite similar. So remember a situation wherein a person fainted because he ate food that was tainted(impure). Taint means to contaminate. If your water supply is tainted with arsenic, you should stop drinking it right...


Tomfoolery is best exemplified by this advert: Who places a bomb in a washing machine? Well, this is tomfoolery for sure, that is extremely silly or stupid behavior. Meanings of Tomfoolery: 1. foolish or silly behavior; tomfoolishness. 2. a silly act, matter, or...


Mnemonic tip for Torpor: Torpor bole to aisa state jisme no tod-phod, total shanty, ek dum peace wali state. Aise state kiu? Kiuki bande mein energy hi nai hoti, total lethargy wala attitude. Meanings of Torpor: 1. A state of mental or physical inactivity or...


Mnemonic tip for Thug: Thug super simple word. Hindi mein bhi yeh thug hi hota hai, as simple as that. Pronunciation different hai bas aur English wala thug thoda zyada cruel hota hai. Meanings of Thug: 1. a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer. 2.( sometimes...


Mnemonic Aid to Learn Trivial: The word trivial can be learnt by splitting it up as trivial=three+vs+all , so the choice of 3 persons is given little importance when compared to choice of all. Meanings of Trivial: 1. of very little importance or value; insignificant....
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