

Mnemonic Aid to Learn Termagant: To learn this word , try and remember the worst aunt you have who literally has no other business but to scold you . So concentrate on that Malignant (bad) Aunt to understand the meaning of this word. Meanings of Termagant: 1. a...


Mnemonic Aid to Learn Tenable: To learn this word , try and recall how the teacher used to teach certain theories in class that no one understood . But even if “ten” people were able to understand the theory, then you had to give it to the teacher and agree that it is...


Mnemonic Aid to Learn Tantamount: The easiest way to learn this word is to concentrate on it’s initial five letters and split them up as “ta-n-ta” i.e an equal amount of ‘ta’ on both sides of ‘n’. Meaning of Tantamount: 1. equivalent, as in...


Mnemonic Aid to Learn Tantalize: The word can be learnt by splitting it up as “taunt+entice” . The word taunt means “to mock” and entice means “to lead on by exciting hope or desire” and together they lead us to the meaning of the word tantalize. Meaning of Tantalize:...


Mnemonic tip for Turpitude: Turpitude bole to ek dum base vile depraved corrupt morally lose act. Bole to jaise tapori log jeete hai mammu! Meanings of Turpitude: 1. A corrupt or depraved or degenerate act or practice. 2. A base act. Pronunciation: tur-pi-tood, -tyood...


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