

Mnemonic Tip to Learn Universal Universal is quite similar to universe and universe means comprising everything .So, relate universal to universe ,meaning a thing applicable to everything or suitable for all. Universal describes something for everything or everyone....


Mnemonic Tip to Learn Underwrite The meaning of the word is somewhat clear from the word itself-underwrite or write under; a document or a financial statement to guarantee something . An underwriter refers to a person typically works for a lender and helps them by...


Mnemonic tip for Uppity: Ab nak itni UP kar do ek koi aur deekhe hi nahi: itni arrogance! Meaning’s of Uppity: 1. Presumptuously arrogant. Pronunciation: uhp-i-tee   Want to explore more Hinglish Words? Palpable Belabor Babble Mire Ossify Explore Our Hinglish...


Mnemonic Aid to Learn Unsavoury: To learn this word , split it into two words i.e UN(not)+SAVOUR(pleasant) , and these two words combined give us the meaning of the word unsavoury. Meanings of Unsavoury: 1. not savory; tasteless or insipid 2.unpleasant in taste or...


Mnemonic Aid to Learn Unmitigated: To learn unmitigated , we can simply split it into two words i.e UN(not)+MITIGATE(relieve) , which leads us to the meaning of the word . Meanings of Unmitigated: 1. Not diminished or moderated in intensity or severity; unrelieved. 2....
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