Beside vs Besides

Beside vs Besides

This is a small post, illustrating the difference between ‘beside’ and ‘besides’.   Beside: The word beside is a preposition. It means ‘close to’ or ‘next to’. It also has  a second meaning: ‘compared with’.   Examples for beside: Can...
Licence Vs License

Licence Vs License

As they say, English is a funny language and we could not agree any less when it comes to confusions such as the one between ‘licence’ and ‘license’. You must be wondering what difference can a single ‘c’ and ‘s’ make? Well, if you are a grammar fanatic, the wrong...
A While Vs. Awhile

A While Vs. Awhile

One of our readers, Maninder, recently wrote to us and asked a simple question: ‘When to use a while and awhile? I seem to using one when the other is required and vice-versa.” Well, the difference is an easy one but we just seem to forget it every now and then. A...
Subject Verb Agreement

Subject Verb Agreement

The rule that defines it all: the verb must agree with its subject in number and in person. In other words, the verb must be of the same number and person as the subject. NOTE: Subject-Verb concord is one of the most tested grammar concepts in competitive...
Affect vs. Effect

Affect vs. Effect

Affect and effect are two words, which can be confusing if you were to find out how to and when to use them.  The fact that a simple the usage of an a and an e can create such a fuss says something about the language we are dealing with. In simple grammatical terms,...