

Origin of the word Malediction: Malediction comes from the word root ‘mal/malus’, meaning bad, evil or harsh or harmful. Malediction is the sum of Mal and Diction. Diction means the manner in which something is expressed in words. Hence, malediction means the bad...


There are some marks in life that just cannot be removed. There are some memories that cannot be forgotten. And there are some scars that cannot be erased. Each of these is indelible, something that cannot be removed or erased. Just like the mark of vermillion placed...


We do this word keeping in mind the current state of affairs in the world. This is yesterday’s speech of President Obama, declaring Osama Bin Laden is dead (just in case you have not seen this clip till now). If one were to identify one of the biggest absconders in...


The dictionary definitions for MANACLE are as follows: 1.  (usually plural) a shackle, handcuff, or fetter, used to secure the hands of a prisoner, convict, etc. (noun) 2.  To put manacles on (verb) 3.  To confine or constrain (verb) Origin of the word MANACLE: The...


Saturnine is all about gloom and doom, feeling sad and left out.  It is the expression on your face when you are dumped by your girlfriend or boyfriend and the sullenness is hard to hide under your veneer of strength. The dictionary definitions for saturnine are as...