

Meaning, Sentences, Synonyms and Antonyms for Fiasco Sometimes, some people are destined to move from one failure to another, not because they can’t do anything right, but due to sheer carelessness that slowly becomes their tendency. And slowly these failures...


Meaning, Sentences, Synonyms and Antonyms for Accompaniment How can we use this word? What does ‘accompaniment’ stand for? It is that thing which comes with your French fries or yummy pakoras (fried cutlets in English). Accompaniment is the instrument that...


Meaning, Sentences, Synonyms and Antonyms for Adroit Origin of Adroit: Adroit has a fascinating origin story and the word has French origins. Maybe, that is why it has an exotic sound. Adroit breaks down to: ‘a’+’droit’, which means ‘towards’+ ‘right’. But what do we...


Meaning, Sentences, Synonyms and Antonyms for Alimony Word Origin for Alimony The story of origin behind the word alimony is actually very simple and logical. Alimony finds its roots in the concept of nourishment. It is derived from the Latin root, alimonia, which...


Word Origin of Pedagogue: Pedagogue comes to English through an interesting Greek route. It is a composite of two Greek Roots: Peda (meaning child) and Agogue (meaning leader). Literally, this combination transforms into a leader of children. Who are these leader of...


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