

Origin of the word Engender: Engender, etymologically, descends from the Latin roots ‘en’ (meaning to) and ‘gener re’, (meaning to produce, also the root for generate). So basically it equates to: To generate or to produce. Produce what? One of the meanings of...


The dictionary definitions for BADGER are as follows: 1. Any of several carnivorous burrowing mammals of the family Mustelidae, such as Meles meles of Eurasia or Taxidea taxus of North America, having short legs, long claws on the front feet, and a heavy grizzled...


Origin of the word Neonate: Neonate is a word that comes from the same Latin word root as Nascent, ‘nasc-,nat-’, meaning ‘born or birth’. Some words based on this root are: Natal: Relating to or accompanying birth. Prenatal: Occurring or existing before birth....


The 1st thing wrt Denouement that needs to be observed is that it is a French word. The 2nd thing wrt Denouement that needs to be observed is the way it is pronounced: dey-noo-mahn. The 3rd thing wrt Denouement that needs to be observed is its origin. It is derived...


Origin of the word Sinecure: Sinecure means literally ‘without cure’. It is derived from the Latin phrase ‘beneficium sine cūrā’ ‘benefice without cure’, that is to say an ecclesiastical office that does not involve the cure of souls (looking after people’s spiritual...