

If there is one resplendent with the fragrance of life, then it is nascent. This words points to the start, the origin, the conception of everything. And its origin is deeply linked with its meaning. Nascent is derived from the Latin Root ‘nasc-,nat-’, meaning ‘born...


Origin of the word EUTHANASIA: Euthanasia basically means an easy way of dying. This is at times a need of people who are suffering from extreme disease and have no chance of recovery. As a method to escape the suffering, they wish to be killed. In simple terms, this...


Origin of the word insurgent In terms of etymology, an insurgent is someone who ‘rises up’. It comes from the Latin verb insurgere, which was formed from in- in the sense ‘against’ and surgere ‘rise’. By extension, an insurgent became someone ‘rising up against the...


Origin of the word Bacchanalia: This is word of divine origin, with it being based on the name of the Roman God Bacchus. Bacchus is the Roman variant of the Greed god Dionysus. Dionysus, in Greek mythology, was the god of the winemaking and wine, and through the route...


Origin of the word Augur: Augur comes from ancient Roman times. An augur was a person who foretold the future by observing the flight of birds (or by examining their entrails). His method of prediction was reflected in his title, for the Latin word augur, earlier...