What is our Test-prep section all-about?
Our test-prep sections help you prepare for various aptitude exams in the most comprehensive and unique manner. With a host of resources and special day-wise preparation plans, we help you learn in the easiest manner with minimum effort. On top of this, all our test prep sections are completely free. In a way, it is a test-takers dream come true.
Why should you trust us?
Designed by some of the best minds in the test prep industry, our resource quality and depth is a testament in itself for the quality we offer. Explore a few sections and you would know on your own.
Test prep at Wordpandit is broken down into individual sections. You can explore the ones you need. We have dedicated sub-domains and content for individual exams. Pick your exam and start learning.
Aptitude @ Wordpandit
Maths @ Wordpandit offers a combination concepts articles, tests, basic mathematics tests and blogs to learn from. Tests are divided across levels to help all types of learners.
Reading @ Wordpandit
We are the only site that offers comprehensive reading suggestions (basic and advanced levels) to help you develop reading skills.
Flashcards @ Wordpandit
We offer more than 3500+ vocabulary flashcards which are mobile-friendly. Just tap on the screen and view these cards.
GK @ Wordpandit
Our GK Section, consisting of extensive Current Affairs articles, Current Affairs tests and Static GK tests, helps you prepare for a variety of exams.
Preparing for CAT-2017?
In case you are looking for the perfect solution for your CAT Prep, we have it here for you. Just one click and you can start learning for free instantaneously.
Preparing for GRE
In case you are preparing for GRE, then we have some awesome news for you: our GRE section will be live in a couple of weeks.
Preparing for SSC
In case you are preparing for SSC, then we have some awesome news for you: our SSC section will be live in a couple of weeks.
Preparing for GMAT?
In case you are preparing for GMAT, then we have some awesome news for you: our GMAT section will be live in a couple of weeks.
Preparing for IBPS Bank PO?
In case you are preparing for PO exams, then we have some news for you: our PO section will be live in a couple of weeks.
Preparing for CDS
In case you are preparing for CDS, then we have some awesome news for you: our CDS section will be live in a couple of weeks.
What some of our users say about us:
“My big Thanks to Wordpandit for making my vocabulary strong. It’s an interactive site with numerous tests and nicely explained answers. Whenever I got bored with my book, and theoretical study, I used to open the site and enjoy working on my vocab by giving tests. I would give credit to Wordpandit for my GRE and TOEFL PREP. Everyone must go through this site!”
“I have been using Wordpandit for GRE preparation. I must say it is the best website and source of all the necessary information I needed for the preparation of the exam. Picture wordlist is my personal favorite. Thanks and bingo for the efforts.”
“I choose the best wen it comes to learning and my hunt for vocab preps stopped at Wordpandit’s visual vocab. It surely helped me subdue my vocab anxiety…! All thanks to team Wordpandit.”
“I like every tab of you be it GK, verbal or quant. The way you have represented verbal is beyond praise. I have never seen stuff like that. (visual, video and mnemonics et al , all in one place).”