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Ubiquitous is a ubiquitous word. It makes numerous appearances all across the print world. It’s just the nature of the word, isn’t it?

The dictionary definitions for UBIQUITOUS are as follows:
1. Existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time; omnipresent. (adjective)

Ubiquitous in Context:

The usage of the word in contemporary newspapers and literature is as ubiquitous as its meaning implies. In simple words, ubiquitous means to be present everywhere at once.

In the given context, the Images of Hosni Mubarak and his wife are being referred as ubiquitous. It is a pretty common feature in dictatorships and nations where there is enforced rule that the person in charge makes sure that his name is just about present on everything, as if too remind his populace of his presence (though toilets papers are given exception in this free for all family tagging exercise). Such a display of vanity that can be discovered on any corner and is omnipresent is labeled as ubiquitous.

The dictionary definitions for UBIQUITOUS are as follows:
1. Existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time; omnipresent. (adjective)

The above is an extract from The New York Times used for educational purposes:  Read further on:

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