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Definition & Meaning: -Blast Word Root

The Word Root ‘-Blast’ originates from the Greek word ‘Blastos’, which means an immature or embryonic cell. This Word Root is often used in the context of biology and medicine to denote a precursor cell that has the potential to differentiate into various types of mature cells. Understanding the ‘-Blast’ root can provide insight into the development and growth processes within organisms.

One of the most commonly encountered words based on this root is ‘blastocyst’. Let’s break it down:

  • Blast: Immature cell
  • Cyst: A sac or vesicle

Thus, a ‘blastocyst’ refers to an early-stage mammalian embryo, consisting of a fluid-filled cavity surrounded by a layer of cells. This stage is crucial for implantation in the uterus.

Word root tree diagram illustrating the meanings of 'blastocyst', 'fibroblast', and 'neuroblastoma'.

Words Based on the -Blast Word Root

Commonly Used Words

  • Blastocyst: An early-stage mammalian embryo with a fluid-filled cavity.
  • Fibroblast: A cell that generates collagen and other fibers in connective tissue.
  • Neuroblastoma: A malignant tumor arising from nerve cells, often in the adrenal gland.

Archaic Words

  • Blastema: A mass of cells from which an organ or body part develops.
  • Blastokinesis: The movement of the embryo into the yolk mass in certain insect eggs.

Technical Words/Jargon

  • Blastoderm: The layer of cells forming on the yolk’s surface in avian or reptilian eggs, which gives rise to the embryo.
  • Hematoblast: A progenitor blood cell.
  • Megaloblastic anaemia: A type of anaemia caused by inhibition of DNA synthesis during red blood cell production.

Related Word Roots

  • Cyto- (Greek): Meaning ‘cell’. Examples include:
    • Cytology: The study of cells.
    • Cytoplasm: The material within a cell, excluding the nucleus.
  • Gen- (Greek): Meaning ‘origin’ or ‘birth’. Examples include:
    • Genesis: The mode of formation of something.
    • Genetics: The study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics.
  • -oma (Greek): Meaning ‘tumor’ or ‘growth’. Examples include:
    • Carcinoma: A type of cancer arising in the epithelial tissue.
    • Sarcoma: A malignant tumor of connective or other non-epithelial tissue.

We hope this article on the commonly used Ante Word Root has been helpful to you in remembering the words based on the Word Root Ante and enhancing your vocabulary.

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