
Word Root: Brachi(o)-

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Definition & Meaning: Brachi(o)- Word Root

The word root Brachi(o)- is derived from the Latin word meaning “arm.” This root is the foundation for numerous words in the English language that relate to the arm or resemble the shape or function of an arm. For example, the term brachiate refers to the movement by swinging from one arm to another, much like how certain primates move through trees. The word bracelet also stems from this root, indicating an ornamental band worn around the wrist.

Words Based on the Brachi(o)- Word Root

Commonly Used Words Based on this Word Root

  • Brace: An orthopaedic appliance that holds or supports part of the body.
  • Bracelet: A piece of jewellery worn around the wrist or arm.
  • Brachialgia: Pain in the arms.
  • Brachiate: Move by using the arms to swing from branch to branch.

Archaic Words Based on this Word Root

  • Abrachia: Congenital disease of not having limbs.
  • Abrachiocephalus: A fetus exhibiting the absence of the head and arms.

Technical Words/Jargon Based on this Word Root

  • Brachiation: A mode of locomotion characteristic of some arboreal animals in which the animals swing from one handhold to the next.
  • Brachiform: Shaped or bent like an arm.
  • Brachiocephalic: A reference to arm and head.
  • Brachiocrural: A reference to arm and leg.
  • Brachiogram: A tracing of brachial (arm) artery pulse.
  • Brachioradialis: A muscle lying on the lateral side of the forearm.
  • Brachioplasty: A surgical procedure called Arm Lift to reshape and provide improved contour to the upper arms and connecting area of the chest wall.
  • Microbrachia: An abnormal smallness of the arms.
  • Monobrachia: A fetus with only one forelimb.
  • Tribrachial: A figure or utensil with three arms.

Related Word Roots

  • Carp-: Meaning “wrist”.
    • Carpal: Relating to the bones forming the human wrist.
    • Carpus: The group of small bones between the main part of the forelimb and the metacarpus in terrestrial vertebrates.
  • Digit-: Meaning “finger or toe”.
    • Digital: Relating to or resembling a finger or fingers.
    • Digitate: Having divisions arranged like those of a bird’s foot or resembling a hand.
  • Manu-: Meaning “hand”.
    • Manual: Relating to or done with the hands.
    • Manuscript: A book, document, or piece of music written by hand rather than typed or printed.

We hope this article on the commonly used Ante Word Root has been helpful to you in remembering the words based on the Word Root Ante and enhancing your vocabulary.

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