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Definition & Meaning: Brady Word Root

The Word Root Brady- is derived from the Greek word Bradys, meaning “slow”. This root is commonly used in medical terminology to describe conditions related to slowness, particularly in physiological processes.

For example, the term bradycardia is used to describe an abnormally slow heart rate. This condition can be contrasted with tachycardia, which refers to an abnormally fast heart rate. Bradycardia can result from various medical conditions and can significantly impact a person’s health if not addressed properly.

Diagram showing examples of words derived from the "brady" root word with their meanings.

Words Based on the Brady Word Root

Commonly Used Words Based on the Brady Word Root

  • Bradycardia: A slower than normal heart rate.
  • Bradykinesia: Slowness of movement, commonly associated with Parkinson’s disease.
  • Bradypnea: Abnormally slow breathing rate.

Archaic Words Based on the Brady Word Root

  • Bradyphasia: Slowness of speech, an outdated term now largely replaced by bradylalia.

Technical Words/Jargon Based on the Brady Word Root

  • Bradyarrhythmia: Any heart rhythm disturbance characterized by a slow heart rate.
  • Bradyauxesis: Slow growth, especially in reference to the developmental processes in plants.
  • Bradyphrenia: Slowness of thought, often used in neurological assessments.

Related Word Roots

Exploring related word roots offers further insights into the linguistic tapestry of English:

  • Tachy- (Greek: fast)
    • Tachycardia: An abnormally fast heart rate.
    • Tachypnea: Rapid breathing.
    • Tachylalia: Rapid speech.
  • Brachy- (Greek: short)
    • Brachydactyly: Shortness of the fingers and toes.
    • Brachycephaly: A condition characterized by a short, broad head.
    • Brachytherapy: A form of radiotherapy where a radiation source is placed inside or next to the area requiring treatment.

We hope this article on the commonly used “Brady” Word Root has been helpful in enhancing your vocabulary and understanding of words based on this root.

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