
Word Root: Chondr(o)/Chrondri-

Word Roots Explained 01
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Definition & Meaning: Chondr(o)- Word Root

The Word Root Chondr(o)- originates from the Greek word Chondros, which means “cartilage” or “grain”. This root is fundamental in forming words that are related to cartilage or grain-like structures in biological contexts. Understanding this root helps us grasp the meanings of various complex terms used in anatomy and medical sciences.

Example Word: Chondrocyte

To better understand the application of this root, let’s break down the word Chondrocyte:

  • Chondr(o)-: Cartilage
  • -Cyte: Cell

Thus, a Chondrocyte is a cell that is found in cartilage tissue.

Example Sentence: “Chondrocytes play a crucial role in maintaining the cartilaginous matrix in joints.”

Words Based on the Chondr(o)- Word Root

Commonly Used Words

  • Chondritis: Inflammation of cartilage.
  • Chondroma: A benign tumor of cartilage.
  • Chondromalacia: Softening of the cartilage.

Archaic or Less Common Words

  • Chondrocranium: The cartilaginous skull of vertebrates, especially before ossification.
  • Chondrophore: A cartilage-bearing structure.

Technical Words/Jargon

  • Chondroblast: A cell that forms cartilage.
  • Chondrodystrophy: A disorder affecting the development of cartilage.
  • Chondrogenesis: The process of cartilage formation.

Related Word Roots

    • Osteo- (Greek: “bone”)
      • Osteocyte: A bone cell.
      • Osteoporosis: A condition characterized by weak and brittle bones.
    • Myelo- (Greek: “marrow”)marrow.

spinal cord.

  • Myelocyte: A cell of the bone
  • Myelopathy: A disease of the


  • Hemo- (Greek: “blood”)
    • Hemoglobin: The protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen.
    • Hemorrhage: Excessivebleeding.

We hope this article on the Chondr(o)- Word Root has been helpful in enhancing your vocabulary and understanding of words derived from this root. By linking words with their roots, you can decipher meanings more easily and enrich your language skills.

We hope this article on the commonly used Ante Word Root has been helpful to you in remembering the words based on the Word Root Ante and enhancing your vocabulary.

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