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Definition & Meaning: Word Root Cracy

The word root -cracy comes from Greek –kratia ‘power, rule’ that usually refers to a form of government or rule. For instance, the word plutocracy means government run by the wealthy because:

Pluto/Plut: Wealth
Cracy: Rule
Pluto + Cracy= Government/rule of the wealthy

It is fair to say that words with the word root –cracy is mostly used in political science referring to various forms of governments.

Example sentence:
In the past, the country lived through years of political instability that started with neocracy and ended with kleptocracy.

Words based on the root Cracy

Words based on the root Cracy

1. Anocracy: A government regime that is instable and inept
2. Arifmocracy: A form of government run by a group that gets the numerical majority
3. Aristocracy: A form of government run by the most privileged people
4. Autocracy: A government run by a single individual
5. Bureaucracy: A government with non-elected officials
6. Democracy: A government where people are eligible to choose their rulers
7. Despotocracy: A government run by a despot
8. Diabolocracy: A government run by a devil
9. Gerontocracy: A government consisting of/run by old people
10. Kakistocracy: A government run by the worst
11. Kleptocracy: A government run by thieves
12. Mediocracy: A government run by the mediocre
13. Mobocracy: A government run by the mob
14. Neocracy: A government run by inexperienced or fledgling officials
15. Ochlocracy: A government run by the mob or crowd
16. Pantisocracy: A utopian form of government with an egalitarian community
17. Particracy: A form of government, where parties rather than individuals rule
18. Stratocracy: A government run by the military chiefs
19. Timocracy: A form of government, where only property owners can participate in government
20. Theocracy: A form of government, where God is the ruler

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