1. Aerophilately – collecting of air-mail stamps i.e. the stamps used to mail objects by air.
2. Ammophilous – sand-loving; preferring to dwell in sand. This word is mainly used for insects, reptiles or animals which prefer living in sandy conditions.
3. Anglophilia – love or fondness for England or the English. The word is formed by using ‘Anglo’ for English and ‘philia’ for fondness.
4. Anthophilous – loving or frequenting flowers. ‘Antho’ is a Greek word for flowers.
5. Canophilia – love or fondness for dogs. The root word here is ‘can’ that is usually used as ‘canine’ which means dog.
6. Chromophilous – staining easily. The root word is ‘chromo’ for colour and and this term is mainly used for a certain type of cloth that picks up dirt or stains very easily.
7. Dendrophilous – fond of trees. The word root here is ‘dendron’ which means ‘tree’ in Greek. This term can be used for some environmentalists which protest against deforestation.
8. Hydrophilous – loving or preferring water. The root word here is ‘hydro’ which means water. Anyone who likes water or likes to go to places which have water bodies is a Hydrophilous person.
9. Paraphilia – any abnormal sexual attraction. ‘Para’ means ‘beside’ in Greek so love for anything besides normal is known as paraphilia.
10. Retrophilia – love of things of the past. ‘Retro’ means old so retrophilia is used for a person who likes old things. E.g. people who like old movie songs are retrophilic.
Post contributed by Archit Sehgal.