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Arithmetic : Level 1 Test -8

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Question 1
A sum of money is to be distributed among Richa , Bharat, Sona, Pankaj in the proportion of 2 : 3 : 4 : 5. Sona asked Bharat what was his share. He said that he had Rs. 545 more than Richa. So what was the share of Bharat?
Rs. 500
Rs. 1500
Rs. 2000
None of these
Question 1 Explanation: 
Let the shares of Richa, Bharat, Sona ,
Pankaj be Rs. 2x, Rs. 3x, Rs. 4x and Rs. 5x respectively.
Then, 3x - 2x = 545
x = 545
Bharat's share = Rs. 5x = Rs. (3 x 545) = Rs. 1635
Question 2
In a mixture 45 litres, the ratio of petrol and water 5 : 4. If this ratio is to be 4 : 5, then the quantity of water to be further added is:
12 litres
11.25 litres
10 litres
Question 2 Explanation: 
Quantity of petrol = 45 x 5/9 = 25 litres
Quantity of water = (45 - 25) litres = 20 litres.
New ratio = 4 : 5
Let quantity of water to be added further be p litres.
Then the ratio of petrol and water = 25/20+p
25/(20+p) = 4/5
125  = 80 +4P
p = 11.25 litres
Question 3
Richa is twice as good as Pankaj and therefore is able to finish a job in 30 days less than Pankaj. Working together, they can do it in
20 days
22 1/2 days
25 days
30 days
Question 3 Explanation: 
Ratio of times taken by A and B = 1 : 2.
The time difference is (2 - 1) =1 day
Pankaj take 2 days and Richa takes 1 day.
If difference of time is 1 day, Pankaj takes 2 days.
If difference of time is 30 days, Pakaj takes  =2 x 30= 60 days.
So, Richa takes 30 days to do the work.
Richa's 1 day's work =     1/30
Pankaj's 1 day's work =  1/60
So they will take 1/30 +1/60 = 1/20
Question 4
Richa, Golu and Manpreet started a business of local Dhaba in a partnership. They invested Rs. 90,000, Rs. 70,000 and Rs. 1,20,000 respectively. At the end of the first year, Golu withdraws Rs. 45,000, while at the end of the second year, Manpreet withdraws Rs. 80,000. In what ratio will the profit be shared at the end of 3 years?
2 : 3 : 4
9 : 8 : 7
27 : 12 : 28
Question 4 Explanation: 
In order to determine the ratio profit, we need to find the ratio of investments made.
The profit that a person receives will equal to the amount of money invested by him, for the duration he invests in it.
We can calculate the nominal value of investments by multiplying it with the number of months a particular sum is invested.
Investment of Richa = 90000 x 36 = 3240000
Investment of Golu = 70000 x 12 + 25000x24 =1440000
Investment of Manpreet = (120000 x 24 + 40000 x 12) =3360000
Therefore the ratio 27 : 12 : 28
Question 5
The average monthly salary of 24 helper and 6 floor-managers in Maruti was Rs. 1200. When one of the floor-managers whose salary was Rs. 1440, was replaced with a new, the average salary of the whole team went down to Rs. 1180. What is the salary of the new floor-manager?
Question 5 Explanation: 
Total salary amount (initial)= 30 x 1200 = 36000
The salary of the current floor manager = 1440.
Therefore, the salary of 24 workers and the remaining 5 floor
managers = 36000 - 1440 = 34560
When a new one joins, the new average salary drops to Rs.1180 for the total team of 30 of them.
The total salary for the 30 people = 1180 *30 =35400
Therefore, the salary of the new manager is 35400 - 34560 = 840
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