• This test assesses your knowledge of Phrasal Verbs.
  • Every question essentially contains a usage tip, so solve carefully.
  • Note down the phrasal verbs you are not aware of.
  • Solve the same test again to memorize the tips.

Phrasal Verbs: Come

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Question 1
Choose the correct usage:
The meeting came on because both sides were sick of fighting.
The meeting came about because both sides were sick of fighting.
Question 1 Explanation: 
The correct phrase is to come about, which means to happen or occur.
Question 2
Choose the correct usage:
May I come along on your trip tomorrow?
May I come with on your trip tomorrow?
Question 2 Explanation: 
The correct phrase is come along, which means to accompany.
Question 3
Choose the correct usage:
He came on the book in a extraordinarily large book store.
I came upon the book in a little second-hand bookshop
Question 3 Explanation: 
The correct phrase is come upon, which means to find by chance.
Question 4
Choose the correct usage:
The bus came into the bend too fast.
The thief lost balance after he came around the bend.
Question 4 Explanation: 
The correct phrase is come around, which means to move or travel around a corner.
Question 5
Choose the correct usage:
I'll come by after work and see if you need any help.
The doctor said he would come through if anything happened.
Question 5 Explanation: 
The correct phrase is come by, which means to visit.
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There are 5 questions to complete.

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