• This test assesses your knowledge of Phrasal Verbs.
  • Every question essentially contains a usage tip, so solve carefully.
  • Note down the phrasal verbs you are not aware of.
  • Solve the same test again to memorize the tips.

Phrasal Verbs: Pig

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Question 1
For the context provided, select the most appropriate sentence.
He told them to PIG OFF and leave him in peace.
He told them to PIG UP and leave him in peace
Question 1 Explanation: 
The correct expression is Pig off. Pig off means to tell someone to get lost or leave you alone
Question 2
For the context provided, select the most appropriate sentence.
The food was great, so I really PIGGED OUT.
The food was great, so I really PIGGED IN.
Question 2 Explanation: 
The correct expression is Pig out. Pig out means to eat a lot.
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There are 2 questions to complete.

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