• RC forms an important part of the verbal ability section. This section mainly focuses on to check the ability to understand the language and the underlying concept of the passage. The main focus should be to have a good command over the language as well as time management.
  • Make sure you attempt these passage on a regular basis and with complete seriousness.
  • Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
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A village must have some trade; and this village has always been full of virility and power. Obscure and happy, its splendid energies had found employment in wresting livelihood out of the earth, whence had come a certain dignity, and kindliness, and love for other men. Civilization did not relax these energies, but it had diverted them; and all the special qualities, which might have helped to heal the world, had been destroyed. The family affection, the affection for the commune, the sane pastoral virtues – all had perished. No villain had done this thing: it was the work of ladies and gentlemen who were rich and often clever.

RC (Level-1) Passage-15

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Your answers are highlighted below.
Question 1
Village life is praised by the author because it
Helps villagers to achieve material prosperity
Makes men complacent
Breeds humane virtues
Is free from the din and hurry of city life
Question 1 Explanation: 
Village life is praised by the author because it breeds humane virtues. The author writes about dignity, kindness and love for humanity in the villager’s heart. These are all aspects of a humane life and this helps us identify option (C) as the correct answer.
Question 2
Civilization mainly destroys
The ability to create employment
Family affection and pastoral virtues
Medical facilities for the rural people
Agricultural trade
Question 2 Explanation: 
Refer to the lines: ‘... Civilization did not relax these energies, but it had diverted them; and all the special qualities, which might have helped to heal the world, had been destroyed. The family affection, the affection for the commune, the sane pastoral virtues - all had perished..’ These lines help us identify option (B) as the right answer.
Question 3
The tone used by the author in the last sentence of the passage is
Question 3 Explanation: 
The tone used by the author in the last sentence of the passage is sarcastic. From the concluding line ‘..No villain had done this thing: it was the work of ladies and gentlemen who were rich and often clever..’, we get a hint. Also, the passage is not mournful; hence the tone cannot be lamenting. Neither does the passage support one cause which leads to another, so it cannot be labelled as complimentary. Confusion can arise between sarcastic and ironic. Irony is something that exists because of the existence of two opposite situations; the last line certainly does not highlight any such situation and this helps us rule out this answer option.
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