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  • The test is designed to check your current Grammar levels and provide you an assessment of the same.

Sentence Improvement (Level-1) Test-1

Congratulations - you have completed Sentence Improvement (Level-1) Test-1.You scored %%SCORE%% out of %%TOTAL%%.Your performance has been rated as %%RATING%%
Your answers are highlighted below.
Question 1
In the question below, there are four statements which express the same idea. Choose the alternative that is most concise and clear.
The history of Modern Industry’s performance, which is marginal at best, may be an indication of solvency problems that will occur in the future.
Modern industry’s history of marginal performance may indicate solvency problems in the future.
The history of marginal performance of Modern Industry may indicate future solvency problems.
Modern Industry’s history of performance, which is marginal at best, may indicate future solvency problems.
Question 1 Explanation: 
Option (C) is the correct answer as it is the most precise sentence and reflects to the point wording.
Question 2
In the question below, there are four statements which express the same idea. Choose the alternative that is most concise and clear.
The dull are likely to have a limited conceptual grasp.
It is unlikely that the dull would have adequate conceptual grasp.
The dull are not likely to grasp concepts easily.
It is unlikely that the dull can grasp concepts easily.
Question 2 Explanation: 
In this case, we pick the sentence which is the most concise and clear one among the given answer options. We find this combination of qualities in option (C).
Question 3
In the question below, there are four statements which express the same idea. Choose the alternative that is most concise and clear.
I request you to kindly deliver to me a tin of milk powder.
Could you please send me a tin of milk powder?
May I request you to please send me a tin of milk powder?
Can I have milk powder sent to me please?
Question 3 Explanation: 
Statement B uses the appropriate degree of politeness. Statement D is wrong as it does not tell how much milk powder is required. Others are polite on the surface and do not really convey the sentiment they should.
Question 4
In the question below, there are four statements which express the same idea. Choose the alternative that is most concise and clear.
I am sorry; a prior engagement prevents me from joining you at dinner on Monday.
I regret to say that I am very sorry that a previous engagement will prevent me from joining you at dinner on Monday.
I regret to inform you that because of a previous engagement I will be prevented from joining you at dinner on Monday.
I am sorry to say that I am unable to join you at dinner on Monday because of a prior engagement
Question 4 Explanation: 
Only option A is the concise and appropriate choice as it is sufficiently polite and concise.
Question 5
In the question below, there are four statements which express the same idea. Choose the alternative that is most concise and clear.
I should be very much obliged if you could be kind enough to send me the required material.
I should be much obliged if you could send me the required material.
I should be very much obliged if you could kindly send me the required material.
I should be grateful and very much obliged if you could kindly send me the required material.
Question 5 Explanation: 
'Much obliged' serves the same purpose as 'very much obliged' and is preferable. The use of ‘very’ introduces a redundancy. Hence, option (B) is an apt choice.
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