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Sentence Improvement (Level-2) Test-1

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Question 1
In the question below, there are four statements which express the same idea. Choose the alternative that is most concise and clear.
On the whole food front one may say that we can enjoy festivals in the consciousness that though some things are dear, the basic foods are better in quality and still low in price.
We can enjoy festivals knowing that though some things are clear, the basic foods are of better quality and still low in price.
Although we know that some things are dear, we can still enjoy festivals because the basic foods are better in quality and low in price.
On the whole food front, although some things are dear, we can still enjoy festivals as the basic foods are of better quality and quite cheap.
Question 1 Explanation: 
In this question, three options are unnecessarily wordy and confusing. Option (C) here uses the phrase ‘are better in quality’ instead of a more appropriate ‘are of better quality’ as used in Option (B). Option (A) and (D) are unnecessarily verbose. Hence, Option (B) is the right choice.
Question 2
In the question below, there are four statements which express the same idea. Choose the alternative that is most concise and clear.
There is no question of it not being possible to freeze you to death and wake you up as and when you want.
There is no question of it not being possible to freeze you to death and wake you up whenever you want.
Undoubtedly, it should be possible to freeze you to death and wake you up whenever you want.
Undoubtedly, it should be possible to freeze you to death and wake you up when you want.
Question 2 Explanation: 
'Whenever' implies the sentiment ‘at any time’. ‘When’, on the other hand, implies a specific time. Given the intended meaning, option (C) is a better choice than option (D).
Question 3
In the question below, there are four statements which express the same idea. Choose the alternative that is most concise and clear.
He was unwilling to testify, he was afraid of the defendant.
Because he was afraid of the defendant, he was unwilling to testify.
He was unwilling to testify: he was afraid of the defendant.
Because he was afraid of the defendant he was unwilling to testify.
Question 3 Explanation: 
According to the question, as the first part of the sentence provides the reason for his being unwilling to testify, ‘because’ should be used to introduce it. Moreover, a comma should always be used to separate two distinct phrases in a sentence. Hence, option (B) is the right answer choice.
Question 4
In the question below, there are four statements which express the same idea. Choose the alternative that is most concise and clear.
His definition of reality has first to be made coincident with the point of view adopted by the author whom he is discussing.
His definition of reality has first to be made coincident with the point of view adopted by the author who he is discussing.
His definition of reality has to first agree with the point of view adopted by the author he is discussing.
His definition of reality has first to coincide with the point of view adopted by the author he is discussing.
Question 4 Explanation: 
This is a question based on idiomatic usage. The appropriate idiomatic use is ‘definition should agree with’. A simpler way to solve this question is to identify how the other choices seem to indulge in unnecessary usage of words. The primary meaning of the sentence is conveyed in the most concise manner by option (C).
Question 5
In the question below, there are four statements which express the same idea. Choose the alternative that is most concise and clear.
Finally, there will be unexpected, unanticipated implicational consequences of this development concerning human life.
This development concerning human life will finally have unanticipated consequences.
This development concerning human life will finally have unexpected and unanticipated implications.
This development concerning human life will finally have unexpected implications.
Question 5 Explanation: 
In the question, there are two things that need to be kept in mind: 1. Unanticipated and unexpected mean the same, and hence to remove redundancy, we eliminate one out of these two words. 2. Out of consequences and implications, we select consequences as it reflects an outcome of a situation, whereas an implication can refer to an inference also. This makes consequence a better word choice in the given context.
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