reading comprehensions for CAT

  • Reading comprehension questions involve reading of a passage of about 300 – 600 words and deriving answers from the passage content..
  • RCs forms an important part of the English Language section. This section mainly focuses on to check the ability to understand the language and the underlying concept of the passage. The main focus should be to have a good command over the language as well as time management.
  • Make sure you attempt these passage on a regular basis and with complete seriousness.
  • Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
  • Once you are finished, click the ‘Get Results’ button below. Any items you have not completed will be marked incorrect.

RC Passage

One day an army group won a land battle against the enemy. The commander feared that the enemy’s powerful air force might bomb his camp that night in revenge. So he ordered all lights to be put out at 7.00 pm. At midnight the commander went round inspecting the camp. Seeing a light in a tent, he entered it. His son, an officer under him, was writing a letter. The son explained that he was writing to his mother about his brave deeds in battle. The commander told his son to add to his letter that by the time his mother received the letter he would have been shot dead for indiscipline.

CDS RC: Passage-8

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