picture vocabulary for adverseAdverse in simple words means something that is inauspicious & unfavorable. Adverse is a having a negative or harmful effect on something, or something that is opposed to our own welfare & interest. There a number of things in this life which have a negative effect on you, for example: smoking. It kills your lungs, doesn’t it?

Pronunciation: ad-vursad-vurs

Dictionary definitions of Adverse:
1. Unfavorable to one’s interests.
2. Contrary or opposite in direction or position.
3. Antagonistic or inimical; hostile.
4. Placed opposite.

Master Tip to learn Adverse:

Difference between adverse and averse
Adverse means opposed to, hostile to; unfavorable, contrary/ For example: “People generally do not welcome adverse comments for their works.”
Averse means ‘disliking; unwilling; having a feeling of great distaste or an inclination against something or someone’. For example: “My father is always averse to the idea of spending money.”

Usage example that uses both these words: The adverse publicity that a performer receives before his show leads to a condition where he is averse to performing.

Usage Examples:
1. Adverse consequences, either from acute or chronic exposure
2. Adverse events adverse event analysis from such a small sample cannot be trusted.
3. Adverse reactions have been noted in 40 % of these patients.
4. Some of these developments have been very encouraging, but some have had a very adverse effect on all of us.

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