picture vocabulary for blatantOne line description for the word: it refers to something obvious or intentional.

Blatant in general describes something bad that is very obvious or intentional. If someone states or does something blatantly, it is done brazenly and obviously, without trying to hide anything. We behave this way on a number of occasions, and some of these utterances are intentional in nature. After all, blatant behavior is all about getting attention, isn’t it?

Pronunciation: bleyt-nt

Dictionary definitions of Blatant:
1. Unpleasantly loud and noisy
2. Totally or offensively conspicuous or obtrusive
3. Tastelessly conspicuous
4. Brazenly obvious

Master Tip to learn Blatant:
Blatant nearly always describes something that is obvious or offensive. It is different from the word flagrant, which describes the extremity and shock of something offensive. If someone states or does something blatantly, it is done brazenly and obviously, without trying to hide anything.

Usage Examples:
1. Readers with the right stuff will feel burned by this blatant exercise inself-promotion.
2. Web sites clamoring for traffic are resorting to blatant bribery.
3. The alleged cartel’s behavior seemed quite blatant.

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