An extract from a Jelaluddin Rumi poem based on the word Chalice:
‘O Love, You who have been called by a thousand names,
You who know how to pour the wine
into the chalice of the body,
You who give culture to a thousand cultures,
You who are faceless but have a thousand faces,
O Love, You who shape the faces
of Turks, Europeans, and Zanzibaris,
give me a glass from Your bottle,
or a handful of bheng from Your Branch.’

Poets often refer to the chalice of love in their poetry. In the poem above, the poet uses a wonderful metaphor of the chalice for the body and wine for love. The cumulative effect is that one can take out many different interpretations of the same very lines, one of them being that the author is taking of physical union between lovers.

In order to learn chalice, just keep in mind that it is a cup (and for lovers, it is the cup of love..:)..)

The dictionary definitions for chalice are as follows:
1. A cup or goblet. (noun)
2. A cup for the consecrated wine of the Eucharist. (noun)

Usage examples for Chalice:
Some RATHER interesting sentences for chalice culled from the net:
1. “The Democratic nomination in 2012 was obviously a poisoned chalice, but a politician can’t help thinking that a poisoned chalice is better than no chalice at all.”- Countdown to a Meltdown
2. “Finally, the chalice is designed to contain nourishment for mortals, and it is used by mortals to celebrate one another’s company, and to worship the gods.” -The Fourfold Visions of William Blake and Martin Heidegger

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