The word ‘Doddering’ means shaky or trembling. It is generally used in the context of old age. It is an adjective.
It was first used in 1613 and its origins are unclear.
Pronunciation: dod-er-ing
Meanings of Doddering
1. Trembling or shaky
Master’s Tip to Learn Doddering
‘Doddering’ sounds like ‘tottering’ which means to move in a feeble or unsteady way and hence it is pretty convenient to relate both the words.
Sentence examples for Doddering:
1. His mother was doddering and frail
2. Someday she will be a doddering old crone in a nursing home with a zipper tattoo.
dodder somewhat relates to toddler which means a small child who has just started walking..
wow, this is another good are on a roll Ashish..:)