Glutton is a wastefully large desire for something. It is often associated with food. Glutton parse refers to a person who indulges into wastefully large desires for something. As the illustrations vividly demonstrate, excessive fatty food and lethargy, idling around the couch for long can not only develop crippling diseases inside you, but make life much more difficult to people around you.

Gluttony is mentioned in the Bible as one of the seven deadly sins. Western concepts of lifestyles have resulted in massive amounts of gluttony, while the other part of the globe starves.

Glutton has the following dictionary definitions:
1. A person who eats and drinks excessively or voraciously.
2. Often ironic a person who has or appears to have a voracious appetite for something

Master tips for glutton:

Glu-ton, when broken down, is saying gluing a ton on someone. The mental imaginary of a ton of food glued to someone is the most direct symbolism that you use to remember this word!

Usage of glutton:
1. His sales are big and he’s a glutton for work.
2. With McDonalds pricings dropping, we are reminded gluttony is a sin.

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