Picture for IconoclastThe word Iconoclast is a noun. It refers to someone who attacks cherished beliefs, traditional institutions etc., as being based on error or superstition.
Iw was first used in 1595 and has been derived from the French word iconoclaste.

Pronunciation: ahy-kon-uh-klast

Meanings of Iconoclast

1. One who attacks and seeks to overthrow traditional or popular ideas or institutions.
2. A breaker or destroyer of images; especially, those set up for religious veneration.

Master’s Tip to Learn Iconoclast

The word Iconoclast can be split into ‘icono + clast’. ‘Icono’ refers to images and ‘clast’ sounds like clash therefore the word means someone whose ideas clash with the present images or ideas.

Sentence examples for Iconoclast:

1. Notorious as an iconoclast, that music critic isn’t afraid to go after sacred cows.
2. They are known as the original iconoclasts who were instrumental in destroying countless works of art.
3. She’s an iconoclast who will have nothing to do with organized religions.

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