Picture for ImbibeThe word ‘Imbibe’ is a verb and it means to absorb or retain something, usually as if drinking.
It has been derived from the Latin word imbibere and originated in1367.

Pronunciation: im-bahyb

Meanings of Imbibe

1. To drink.
2. To receive and absorb into the mind.
3. To absorb or take in as if by drinking.

Master’s Tip to Learn Imbibe

A part of the word ‘Imbibe’ sounds like ‘Pipe’. Now you need a pipe in order to drink or to draw something so that it can be absorbed, so this can be related to the meaning of the word ‘Imbibe’.

Sentence examples for Imbibe:

1. He had imbibed a strong prejudice against Americans
2. Once treated the seeds imbibe water quickly and will germinate uniformly when sown.
3. She imbibed vast quantities of coffee

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