picture vocabulary for irateAnger just flows out of my head when a dog walks into the diameter of my existence. Aren’t dogs adorable? Of course! However, there are people who become irate just at the sight of a dog. Of course, surprising! It is an adjective.

Its first usage dates back to 1830-40. The English word originates from the Latin word Iratus, which being a past participle of Irasci means to be angry.

Pronunciation: ahy-reytahy-reyt

The dictionary definitions of irate are as follows:
1) An angry person
2) An Infuriated person
3) A person distinguished by anger

Master tip to learn irate:
How easy it can be to learn irate? So very easy, just remember the face of the shopkeeper in your local store when you ask for a bill. That scornful and irritable look will fit the bill when you have to procure irate from the storehouse of your vocabulary. However, scornful and irritable have a different meaning from irate.

Irate can be used in the following ways:
1) He is an irate person by nature. (Adjective)
2) He usually answers irately to his students. (Adverb)
3) Being irate in his mind, it finally had to come out on someone. (Noun)

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