Lampoon is a composition that aims to ridicule someone or something through the use of satire. It is used as a noun.
Its first usage dates back to 1645 and has been derived from the French word lampon.
Pronunciation: lam-poon
Meanings of Lampoon
1. A light, good-humored satire.
2. An attack ridiculing a person, group, or institution.
3. A composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody’s style, usually in a humorous way.
Master’s Tip to Learn Lampoon
Lampoon sounds a lot like Baboon. Now a baboon is often the subject of ridicule because of its funny movements and build, therefore it becomes easy to recall the meaning of Lampoon using it.
Sentence examples for Lampoon:
1. The cartoonist of the newspaper was arrested over the lampoon that was deemed to insult a minority.
2. He said such ridiculous things that he was often the target of everyone’s lampoons.
3. Comedy is used both to support and lampoon social causes.