Picture for PlaintiffPlaintiff is a person who brings a legal suit to court as opposed to a defendant. The word ‘Plaintiff’ is noun.
The origin of the word ‘Plaintiff’ can be traced back to 1370 and it has been derived from the Middle English word plaintif.

Pronunciation: pleyn-tif

Meanings of Plaintiff

1. An individual who starts a legal action to resolve a legal situation involving his or her rights
2. The party that institutes a suit in a court.

Master’s Tip to Learn Plaintiff

‘Plaintiff’ can be broken into two words ‘plain + tiff’. This would refer to a person who solves a tiff plainly by going to a court of law and not by any other means.

Sentence examples for Plaintiff:

1. The plaintiff hired a lawyer to help to resolve his demand for compensation after the accident.
2. The judge dismissed the plaintiff’s lawsuit after ruling that it was groundless.
3. Being the plaintiff it is you duty to be clear about all the charges that you’ll be levying against the defendant.

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