As the spelling suggest, the word has been taken from French and being an adjective, it can be used to describe a person who is never hesitant to share those improper sexual jokes.


Its first known usage dates back to 1865-70 and it has been derived from the French word Risque, which means to risk.

Pronunciation: ri-skey; Fr. rees-key

The dictionary definitions for Risque are as follows:
1. Indecent and likely to shock. (adjective)
2. Something suggestive of or bordering on indecency or indelicacy. (adjective)
3. Referring to sex in a rude and a shocking way. (adjective)

Master Tips to learn Risque:
Risque sounds like risk, though both the words mean different. However, the word risk, which means something that involves danger can easily be related to the word risqué because a risqué behaviour is always full of risk.

Difference between Risky & Risque:
Risky means:
1. Accompanied by or involving danger; hazardous: “Driving in this weather can be very risky.”
2. Involving the possibility of something bad or unpleasant happening: “This investment could be a risky move for the company.”

Risque/risquĂ© as we see from above is suggestive of or bordering on indelicacy or impropriety: “Why does that talk-show host have to be so risque in his conversation?”
An usage example for both the words: It’s a risky business to tell risquĂ© jokes when you don’t know how your audience will respond.

Risque can be used in the following ways:
1. He makes everyone uncomfortable by telling risqué jokes.
2. You will be nothing but risqué when you will be seen dancing on that song.
3. Being risqué is not considered good in our society.

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