Sentences for Anathema: Learn Anathema with Examples

The word “anathema” refers to something or someone that is strongly disliked or regarded with intense disapproval. It is often used in contexts where someone or something is considered cursed or strongly condemned. This article provides structured sentences for ‘anathema’ at different difficulty levels to help you understand and use the word effectively.

Basic Level Sentences for Anathema

1. He found the idea of lying anathema to his values. (Noun)

  • In this sentence, “anathema” is used to show something that is completely opposed to someone’s beliefs.

2. The idea of cheating is anathema to most students. (Noun)

  • Here, “anathema” expresses something that is strongly rejected by the group (students).

3. For many people, animal cruelty is anathema. (Noun)

  • This sentence highlights something that is intensely disapproved of, in this case, animal cruelty.

4. She considered his actions anathema to her sense of justice. (Noun)

  • “Anathema” is used here to express strong opposition to someone’s actions.

5. The idea of racism is anathema in a democratic society. (Noun)

  • Shows how “anathema” is used to describe something that is unacceptable in a society.

6. In her culture, disrespecting elders is anathema. (Noun)

  • Describes cultural values where something is considered completely unacceptable.

7. Their opposing views on politics made the two leaders anathema to each other. (Noun)

  • Illustrates “anathema” in a context of deep personal or ideological opposition.

8. The notion of dishonesty was anathema in their family. (Noun)

  • Emphasizes that dishonesty is strongly rejected within a family unit.

9. He regarded greed as anathema to his spiritual beliefs. (Noun)

  • Shows how “anathema” can be used to express something that contradicts deeply held personal beliefs.

10. War is anathema to any peaceful society. (Noun)

  • Here, “anathema” is used to describe something that is completely opposed to peace.

Intermediate Level Sentences for Anathema

11. For many environmentalists, pollution is anathema to their cause. (Noun)

  • This sentence uses “anathema” to show how pollution contradicts environmental efforts.

12. His behavior towards the community was anathema to the values of the organization. (Noun)

  • Highlights how someone’s actions can be opposed to a group’s core values.

13. To some, the idea of monarchy is anathema in a modern republic. (Noun)

  • Here, “anathema” expresses opposition to an outdated concept in a contemporary political system.

14. She found the idea of censorship anathema to freedom of speech. (Noun)

  • Shows “anathema” used in a context of opposing freedom of expression.

15. Many philosophers consider the idea of absolute power to be anathema to democracy. (Noun)

  • Uses “anathema” to describe how one political concept is incompatible with another.

16. In certain cultures, breaking promises is anathema to maintaining trust. (Noun)

  • Shows how a behavior (breaking promises) is strongly opposed to cultural expectations of trust.

17. To many, the thought of inequality is anathema to the principles of justice. (Noun)

  • Shows how “anathema” is used to express strong opposition to a concept that undermines justice.

18. Some see corporate greed as anathema to social responsibility. (Noun)

  • Uses “anathema” in the context of corporate ethics versus societal needs.

19. His refusal to change was considered anathema to the progress of the organization. (Noun)

  • Describes how stagnation is opposed to the goal of progress in an organization.

20. The practice of discrimination was anathema to the ideals of equality and fairness. (Noun)

  • Uses “anathema” to show opposition between discrimination and fundamental values of fairness.

Advanced Level Sentences for Anathema

21. In the face of widespread corruption, the government’s silence on the issue became anathema to its credibility. (Noun)

  • Here, “anathema” expresses how inaction is damaging to the government’s reputation and trustworthiness.

22. In his mind, the concept of inequality in the legal system was anathema to the very idea of justice. (Noun)

  • Uses “anathema” to show how a concept is completely opposed to an ideal like justice.

23. Many consider the exploitation of natural resources for profit anathema to the goal of sustainable development. (Noun)

  • Shows “anathema” in the context of environmental ethics and the contradiction to sustainability.

24. For the professor, ignoring historical evidence was anathema to scholarly research. (Noun)

  • In this sentence, “anathema” emphasizes a violation of academic principles.

25. In modern society, inequality is increasingly seen as anathema to the ideals of freedom and democracy. (Noun)

  • Uses “anathema” to show how inequality contradicts key democratic values.

26. The spread of misinformation has become anathema to trust in journalism. (Noun)

  • Illustrates how misinformation undermines the integrity of journalism.

27. His extreme political views were seen as anathema to the values of the peace talks. (Noun)

  • Shows how certain political beliefs may completely contradict efforts for peace.

28. The rise of authoritarianism in the region is considered anathema to democratic governance. (Noun)

  • Uses “anathema” in the context of political systems opposing democracy.

29. His refusal to acknowledge climate change was anathema to the scientific community. (Noun)

  • Demonstrates how rejecting established scientific facts is opposed by experts.

30. For many civil rights activists, racial discrimination remains anathema to the vision of an equal society. (Noun)

  • Shows “anathema” used to emphasize how racial discrimination contradicts ideals of equality.

Expert Level Sentences for Anathema

31. In the philosophical debate on free will, determinism is often seen as anathema to the concept of human agency. (Noun)

  • Uses “anathema” to express a deep contradiction in philosophical concepts.

32. The idea that individuals should not be accountable for their actions is anathema to the foundations of a just legal system. (Noun)

  • Describes how certain ideas contradict the fundamental principles of law.

33. In the realm of scientific ethics, falsifying data is anathema to the pursuit of truth and credibility. (Noun)

  • Illustrates how dishonesty in research conflicts with the core principles of science.

34. From an ecological perspective, exploiting the environment for short-term gain is considered anathema to sustainable development. (Noun)

  • Shows how exploitation is opposed to long-term ecological balance.

35. For those who advocate for human rights, silence in the face of injustice is seen as anathema to the fight for equality. (Noun)

  • Demonstrates how passivity in the face of injustice is strongly rejected by human rights advocates.

36. The erosion of democratic institutions by authoritarian leaders is viewed as anathema to the principles of liberty and justice. (Noun)

  • Uses “anathema” to show a severe contradiction between authoritarianism and democratic values.

37. In the context of global peace, the use of nuclear weapons is often regarded as anathema to human survival. (Noun)

  • Describes how a devastating concept, like nuclear warfare, is opposed to peace and humanity.

38. The exploitation of workers for profit is anathema to the principles of fair trade and ethical business practices. (Noun)

  • Highlights the opposition between unethical business practices and fair trade values.

39. In the field of education, neglecting the well-being of students is anathema to the purpose of teaching and learning. (Noun)

  • Shows how neglecting students’ welfare goes against the fundamental purpose of education.

40. For many who fought for civil rights, segregation is anathema to the principles of equality and freedom. (Noun)

  • Uses “anathema” to show the deep opposition between segregation and civil rights ideals.

Mastering Anathema

Now that you’ve explored various sentence examples for the word ‘anathema,’ you can confidently apply it in different contexts. From basic oppositions to deep philosophical and political contradictions, understanding how ‘anathema’ operates in various situations allows you to use it effectively in both writing and speech. Practice by incorporating ‘anathema’ in your conversations, essays, or discussions to convey strong disapproval or contradiction to ideals or behaviors.

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