Sentences for Cajole: Learn Cajole with Examples

The word “cajole” means to persuade someone to do something through flattery, coaxing, or gentle urging. It often implies an effort to win someone over using charm or persistent talking. This article provides structured sentences for ‘cajole’ at different difficulty levels to help you understand and use the word effectively.

Basic Level Sentences for Cajole

1. She tried to cajole her little brother into sharing his candy. (Verb)

  • Shows ‘cajole’ being used in a playful sibling interaction.

2. He cajoled his parents into letting him stay up late. (Verb)

  • Demonstrates persuasion using charm.

3. She cajoled her friend into going to the party. (Verb)

  • Illustrates persuading someone into doing something they are hesitant about.

4. The salesman cajoled the customer into buying the expensive phone. (Verb)

  • Shows a commercial setting where persuasion is used.

5. My dog cajoled me into giving him an extra treat. (Verb)

  • Demonstrates how actions can persuade.

6. She cajoled him into lending her his bike. (Verb)

  • Indicates friendly persuasion.

7. They cajoled their teacher into postponing the test. (Verb)

  • Shows students using charm to get what they want.

8. He cajoled his sister into helping him with his homework. (Verb)

  • Illustrates persuasion in a family context.

9. The kids cajoled their mother into taking them to the park. (Verb)

  • Shows children using charm to influence their parents.

10. She cajoled her friend into trying a new dish. (Verb)

  • Illustrates encouragement through persuasion.

Intermediate Level Sentences for Cajole

11. It took an hour to cajole him into taking the leadership role. (Verb)

  • Shows persistence in persuasion.

12. She cajoled her hesitant coworker into presenting the project with her. (Verb)

  • Indicates encouragement in a workplace scenario.

13. The politician cajoled the voters with promises of change. (Verb)

  • Demonstrates persuasion in a political setting.

14. He was able to cajole the security guard into letting him enter. (Verb)

  • Shows persuasion being used in an official setting.

15. She cajoled her team into working overtime to meet the deadline. (Verb)

  • Demonstrates persuasion for collective effort.

16. Through his charm, he cajoled his way into an exclusive party. (Verb)

  • Shows ‘cajole’ being used as a means of gaining access.

17. She cajoled the waiter into giving them a free dessert. (Verb)

  • Illustrates persuasive flattery in a restaurant setting.

18. The recruiter cajoled the talented candidate into accepting the job offer. (Verb)

  • Shows professional persuasion in hiring.

19. He cajoled his business partner into taking a risky investment. (Verb)

  • Demonstrates persuasion in a financial context.

20. After much effort, she finally cajoled her friend into forgiving her. (Verb)

  • Shows persistence in persuading someone emotionally.

Advanced Level Sentences for Cajole

21. Despite his initial reluctance, she managed to cajole him into making a public speech. (Verb)

  • Demonstrates persuasion in overcoming someone’s hesitation.

22. Using her charisma, she cajoled the investors into funding her ambitious startup. (Verb)

  • Shows business-related persuasion for financial backing.

23. He skillfully cajoled the jury into viewing his client in a sympathetic light. (Verb)

  • Illustrates persuasion within a courtroom setting.

24. She cajoled the strict professor into granting an extension on the assignment. (Verb)

  • Demonstrates charm and persuasion in an academic environment.

25. His ability to cajole influential figures helped him climb the corporate ladder swiftly. (Verb)

  • Shows persuasion as a means of career advancement.

26. The spy cajoled a confidential document from the unsuspecting diplomat. (Verb)

  • Uses ‘cajole’ in an espionage-related scenario.

27. They cajoled the reluctant author into publishing her controversial book. (Verb)

  • Shows persuasion regarding a high-stakes decision.

28. Through clever flattery, he cajoled his opponent into underestimating him. (Verb)

  • Illustrates persuasion as a strategic tool.

29. She spent hours cajoling the dignitaries into supporting the humanitarian cause. (Verb)

  • Shows diplomatic persuasion in advocacy.

30. He cajoled the stubborn scientist into sharing his groundbreaking research. (Verb)

  • Illustrates persuasion in an intellectual setting.

Expert Level Sentences for Cajole

31. In a delicate negotiation, the ambassador cajoled the warring factions into a temporary truce. (Verb)

  • Demonstrates high-stakes diplomatic persuasion.

32. Through an intricate web of charm and manipulation, he cajoled the monarch into rewriting the trade policies. (Verb)

  • Shows persuasion at a governmental level.

33. The legendary lawyer cajoled the most unyielding judges into reconsidering their stance on the case. (Verb)

  • Illustrates the power of persuasion in the legal field.

34. The investigative journalist cajoled the whistleblower into revealing the corruption scandal. (Verb)

  • Uses ‘cajole’ in the context of uncovering hidden truths.

35. The philosopher cajoled his peers into embracing a radical new theory. (Verb)

  • Shows intellectual persuasion in academia.

36. With masterful rhetoric, he cajoled the masses into supporting the revolution. (Verb)

  • Demonstrates the use of persuasion in historical movements.

37. She cajoled an influential scientist into endorsing the controversial medical breakthrough. (Verb)

  • Illustrates persuasion in scientific ethics.

38. His diplomatic skills cajoled global leaders into forging an unprecedented climate agreement. (Verb)

  • Shows high-level persuasion with global impact.

39. The author cajoled the literary critics into viewing his avant-garde work as a masterpiece. (Verb)

  • Uses ‘cajole’ in the context of artistic persuasion.

40. Through relentless persuasion, she cajoled the world’s most powerful figures into funding her ambitious space exploration project. (Verb)

  • Illustrates extreme persuasion on a grand scale.

Mastering Cajole

Now that you have explored various sentence examples for ‘cajole,’ you can confidently use the word in different contexts, from casual conversations to professional and political discussions. Understanding ‘cajole’ in its multiple dimensions ensures you use it appropriately and effectively. Keep practicing by incorporating ‘cajole’ into your writing and speech!

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