You know how some furniture looks like solid oak or maple until it gets chipped and reveals itself to be nothing more than some cheap particle-board covered with a thin layer of fancy wood? That thin layer is called a veneer. But the use of word has expanded beyond furniture and can be used to refer to anything that makes something look more elegant and attractive
Pronunciation: vuh-neer
Meanings of veneer
1. A thin surface layer, as of finely grained wood, glued to a base of inferior material.
2. a thin layer of wood or other material for facing or inlayingwood.
3. a deceptive or superficial show or appearance of something
4. A decorative facing, as of brick.
Sentence examples for veneer
1. The table is finished in an attractive light maple veneer.
2. The co-opting of tribal leaders also lends a veneer of respectability to the occupation forces.
3. His father’s veneer of knowledge caused the young lad to flunk his exam.