Reading Suggestion 1: Jealous wags: Dogs show envy is ‘primordial’ emotion
Article Source: BBC News
Learn Words from the article:
Primordial: existing at or from the beginning of time; primeval.
Interloper: a person who becomes involved in a place or situation where they are not wanted or are considered not to belong.
Mutt: A mongrel dog, a stupid person, a dolt.
Usurp: To seize and hold by force or without legal authority, to take over or occupy without right, to take the place of (another) without legal authority.
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Reading Suggestion 2: Cheering robots replace real fans at Korean baseball
Article Source: BBC News
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Fraught: Filled with a specified element or elements; charged, marked by or causing distress, emotional, Sanity: Normal or sound powers of mind
Sceptical : not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.
Gimmick:something designed to attract extra attention, interest, or publicity, any clever device, gadget, or stratagem, esp one used to deceive
Reading Suggestion 3: What a waste of India’s youthful talent
Article Source: Times of India
Learn Words from the article:
Piazza: a public square or marketplace, especially in an Italian town.
Precarious: not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.
Clime: A region or its climate
Remittance: a sum of money sent in payment or as a gift.