
Word Root: Bole

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Definition & Meaning: Bole Word Root

The word root Bole originates from the Greek words bole or ballein, which mean “to throw, send, put”. This root is often associated with concepts related to throwing or projecting. For example, hyperbolizing refers to the act of overstating or exaggerating something to an excessive degree. The word hyperbole itself comes from the Greek hyperballein, meaning “to throw over or beyond”. A notable use of hyperbole is found in this quote by Francis Bacon: “The speaking in a perpetual hyperbole is comely in nothing but love,” suggesting that exaggeration is only agreeable in matters of love.

Another word derived from this root is parabola. The prefix para means beside, and Bole means to throw. When a cone is intersected by a plane parallel to its side, the resulting symmetrical open plane curve is known as a parabola. This shape is also the path followed by an object in projectile motion under gravity. Similarly, the word symbol stems from syn (together) and ballein (to throw), meaning to throw things together, thereby representing something else. On a simpler note, the term ballistic refers to objects in flight under gravity after being thrown.

Words Based on the Bole Word Root

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We hope this article on the commonly used Bole Root Word has been helpful to you in remembering the words based on the Root Word Bole and enhancing your vocabulary. “Every perfect life is a parable invented by God”.

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