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What No One Will Tell You about CLAT Coaching

Your Checklist for the best, most comprehensive and flexible online CLAT Coaching program

If a career in law is your calling then chances are that you have already zeroed down on CLAT as a gateway to your dream law school. The minute you announce your career choice, you get flooded with advice as to what you should be doing next. The most common advice happens to be- “join a CLAT coaching institute”. For those of you who are appearing in CLAT 2018, either you are already enrolled in a CLAT Coaching program or you’re still trying to figure out which CLAT Coaching mentor/academy/institute/online program/offline program will work best for you. So, the point is that everybody will ask you to join a CLAT coaching program. However, there are a few things that nobody will tell you about CLAT coaching, and trust me these points have to be factored in before you pick a CLAT Coaching program.

I have jotted down a list of the things nobody will tell you about CLAT Coaching.

Shall we start?

Let’s go!

1. You need CLAT Coaching!
I have to start by stating a very obvious fact for those of you who are still deciding whether they need CLAT Coaching or not. You don’t have to believe me straight up so let’ start by taking a look at this question:
Only two situations can follow, either you got the question right or it completely stumped you.
In case you got the question right, you’ll have to see how long it took you to solve it. (Considering you have a 35-40 second-time window to solve a question in a CLAT exam)
In case the question stumped you, just like it stumped me, you could definitely use some help there.
Either way, you’ll need some help with either polishing or building up your skills.

2. CLAT Coaching Becomes A Parallel School
Irrespective of what is promised, a CLAT Coaching program, online or classroom- will bind you up with their schedules. You’ll be given a fixed class or online session schedule, a fixed mock test schedule.etc. Well, sounds fair enough for an institute with hundreds and thousands of students enrolled in their CLAT Coaching program. A professional test-prep institute cannot be bothered with things like – a fever, a wedding, a birthday party, school assignment, a college fest, a tuition test, unexpected guests or an afternoon nap.
So, when you miss a class or an online session or, God forbid, a mock exam, it’s your problem alone. Why? Because you were asked to follow the CLAT Coaching program’s schedule.

3. Forget Your Personalized Time Table!
I am sure you know that acing CLAT is about having an exceptional command over 5 major subject areas, namely- General Knowledge, Legal Aptitude, English, Logical Reasoning and Mathematics. I am sure you are really good at some of these subjects while the rest need some extra effort. Let’s say that you are confident about Maths as a subject and would like to devote most of your time to English and Legal Aptitude. But, the CLAT Coaching program requires you to spend an equal amount of time on all five subject areas, irrespective of your requirements.

4. Where is the flexibility in CLAT Coaching!
CLAT preparation is a juggling act. You’ll be required to balance out several factors- school, college, tuitions, and well, a “life”! A CLAT Coaching program will not give you the flexibility to study for 6 hours on one day and 1 hour on another day. So, the in all likelihood, a CLAT Coaching program is going to make your juggling act tougher.

5. A CLAT Coaching Program Is Meant For You and Not Vice-versa
When you enroll yourself in a CLAT Coaching program, you are most definitely looking for knowledge, guidance and support. However, don’t you think that this guidance and support should be available when you need it most and not necessarily when the timetable says so! You have to remember that the CLAT Coaching program should be a knowledge tool that assists you instead of being handed out with a rigid timetable that has nothing to do with your academic requirements.

So when you decide to enroll yourself in a CLAT Coaching program, make sure you consider all of these factors thoroughly. I speak to several students regularly, who are enrolled in one or the other popular CLAT Coaching program ad their difficulties remain the same. These conversations have helped me and my team, at Wordpandit, understand some extremely important fundamentals related to not just CLAT Coaching but other test preparations too:

  • You all are different in terms of potential, grasping power and attention spans.
  • You all have different academic requirements.
  • You may need to study one subject more than the others.
  • You all have different routines- some of you may be early risers while the rest maybe night owls.
  • You need a personalized CLAT Coaching program which offers the flexibility of deciding when to study and how much to study.
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