
Daily Current Affairs 3 January 2019

GK Current Affairs Fact Updates June 2017
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Daily Current Affairs 3 January 2019: Your guide for daily General Knowledge Preparation

Dear Readers,
This post contains important current affairs of 3 January 2019. It includes all Major National, International, Business and Sports related current affairs of 3 January 2019. A brief explanation of every current affair is provided to further enhance your general knowledge. Once you have gone through these current affairs we would recommend to you to try 3 January 2019 Current affairs test.

National News

1. Indian Science Congress (ISC)-2019

2. ‘Samwad with Students’ Initiative

3. New Name and Places

4. BVR Mohan Reddy Panal

International News

1. US and Israel exit UNESCO

2. Agreement on the Prohibition of Attack against Nuclear installations

3. Brazil’s 42nd president

4. Qatar has withdrawn from OPEC

Business News

1. Export Promotion cell for MSMEs

2. New LIC Chairman

3. New Executive Chairman of National Legal Services Authority (NALSA)

Sports News

1. Top Test Wicket-Taker in 2018

2. RR Lakshya Cup

3. Legion of Honour to France‘s football team

4. World Memory Championships

Try some Quiz Questions now: Current Affairs Quiz,3 January

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