
Daily Current Affairs 6 October 2018

GK Current Affairs Fact Updates June 2017
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Daily Current Affairs 6 October 2018: Your guide for daily General Knowledge Preparation

Dear Readers,

This post contains important current affairs of 6 October 2018. It includes all Major National, International, Business and Sports related current affairs of 6 October 2018. A brief explanation of every current affair is provided to further enhance your general knowledge. Once you have gone through these current affairs we would recommend to you to try
6 October 2018 Current affairs test.

National News

1. India International Science Festival

2. International Conference on Women’s Health, Wellness and Empowerment

3. IndiaSkills 2018

4. India to buy S-400 aerial-defence system

International News

1. AIM-SIRIUS Innovation Festival 2018

2. World Teachers’ Day

3. 2nd IORA Renewable Energy Ministerial Meeting

4. New Font ‘Sans Forgetica’

5. Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2018

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