
Daily Current Affairs 6th March, 2023

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Daily Current Affairs 6th March 2023: Your guide for daily General Knowledge Preparation

Dear Readers,

This post contains important current affairs of 6th March 2023. It includes all Major National, International, Business and Sports related current affairs of 6th March 2023. A brief explanation of every current affair is provided to further enhance your general knowledge. Once you have gone through these current affairs we would recommend to you to try 6th March 2023 Current affairs test.



1. Karnataka Triumphs Over Meghalaya in Santosh Trophy Football


2. 2023’s Inaugural Naval Commanders’ Conference Commences

National News

3. Mauganj Emerges as Madhya Pradesh’s 53rd District

Banking & Finance

4. Sashidhar Jagdishan’s Tenure Extended at HDFC Bank

5. World Bank Pledges $1 Billion to Augment India’s Healthcare Infrastructure

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