Reading Suggestion-1
Article Name: It’s not all lightbulbs
Author Name: W Patrick McCray
Source: Aeon
Category: Technology
Five Words to learn from this article:
Disruptive: Causing or tending to cause disruption.
Incrementalism: Belief in or advocacy of change by degrees; gradualism.
Prune: An unpleasant or disagreeable person.
Cult: A system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object.
Mundane: Lacking interest or excitement; dull.
Reading Suggestion-2
Article Name: Some patients in a vegetative state can still communicate
Author Name: Tommaso Bruni
Source: Aeon
Category: Neuroscience
Five Words to learn from this article:
Overt: Done or shown openly; plainly apparent.
Sequela: A condition which is the consequence of a previous disease or injury.
Imagery: Visually descriptive or figurative language, especially in a literary work.
Devoid: Entirely lacking or free from.
Clinical: Relating to the observation and treatment of actual patients rather than theoretical or laboratory studies.
Reading Suggestion-3
Article Name: The Meltdown
Author Name: Bret Stephens
Source: Commentary Magazine
Category: Politics/Society
Five Words to learn from this article:
Infatuate: Be inspired with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for.
Pivot: The central point, pin, or shaft on which a mechanism turns or oscillates.
Disarray: A state of disorganization or untidiness.
Espionage: The practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain political and military information.
Dismay: Concern and distress caused by something unexpected.