
Daily Reads-27 (Level-2)

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Reading Suggestion-1

Article Name: How to make worlds
Author Name: Caroline Levine
Source: Public books
Category: Art, Culture, & Literature

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Five Words to learn from this article:

Homogenize: Subject (milk) to a process in which the fat droplets are emulsified and the cream does not separate.
Monoculture: The cultivation of a single crop in a given area.
Devastation: great destruction or damage.
Constellation: A group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure.
Uncanny: Having or seeming to have a supernatural or inexplicable basis; beyond the ordinary or normal; extraordinary:

Reading Suggestion-2

Article Name: The case against democracy
Author Name: Caleb Crain
Source: The Newyorker
Category: Politics & Society

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Five Words to learn from this article:

Senator: A member of a senate, in particular a member of the US Senate.
Gall: Make (someone) feel annoyed or resentful.
Byzantine: Relating to Byzantium, the Byzantine Empire, or the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Preclude: Prevent from happening; make impossible.
Refrain: Stop oneself from doing something.

Reading Suggestion-3

Article Name: How not to be a chucklehead
Author Name: Nakul Krishna
Source: Aeon

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Five Words to learn from this article:

Surfeit: An excessive amount of something.
Abuzz: Filled with a continuous humming sound.
Charismatic: Exercising a compelling charm which inspires devotion in others.
Barb: A sharp projection near the end of an arrow, fish hook, or similar object, which is angled away from the main point so as to make extraction difficult.
Acolyte: A person assisting a priest in a religious service or procession.

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