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Reading Suggestion-1

Article Name:Are we really so modern?
Author Name: Adam Kirsch
Source: The New Yorker
Category: Philosophy

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Five Words to learn from this article :

Unprecedented: Never done or known before.
Stupefied: Astonish and shock.
Emancipation: Liberation.
Vertigo: Dizziness.
Disorientation: Confused.

Reading Suggestion-2

Article Name: Bio-techne
Author Name: Adrienne Mayor
Source: Aeon

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Five Words to learn from this article:

Arcane: Secret, Hidden.
Incantations: Magic Spell.
Cauldron: A large metal pot with a lid and handle.
Imbued: Saturate.
Eerie: Strange and frightening.

Reading Suggestion-3

Article Name: How the ‘war on drugs’ entrenches patterns of drug addiction
Author Name: Joel Finkelstein
Source: Aeon
Category: Health

Read Full Article

Five Words to learn from this article:

Trillion: a million million (1,000,000,000,000 or 1012).
Stimulus: Any stimulating information or event; acts to arouse action
Appetite: A feeling of craving something
Ecstasy: A state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion
Jubilation: A feeling of extreme joy

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