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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words in Leading Indian Newspapers
Hi there. Welcome to this special section @ Wordpandit. Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting daily vocabulary words that you would come across in leading newspapers in the country. We have included the following newspapers in our selection:
• The Times of India
• The Economic Times
• Hindustan Times
• Mint
• Indian Express
We are putting in extensive work to develop your vocabulary. All you have to do is be regular with this section and check out this post daily. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in leading publications mentioned above.
Visit the website daily to learn words from leading Indian newspapers.


WORD-1: Overwhelms

CONTEXT: the BJP’s success is determined by religious mobilisation that overwhelms caste. The Congress’s promise of policies that advance economic and social justice are also at the centre of the campaign.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine trying to carry ten big books at once, and they’re so heavy you can’t hold them and they all fall down. That’s what it feels like to be “overwhelms.” It means having so much of something that it’s too hard to handle.

MEANING: Buries or drowns beneath a huge mass; floods or has too much to manage (verb).


SYNONYMS: overpower, swamp, inundate, engulf, overburden

1. She was overwhelmed with work and couldn’t finish on time.
2. The floodwaters overwhelmed the village.
3. His emotions overwhelmed him when he heard the news.
4. The team was overwhelmed by the support from their fans.

Shores Picture Vocabulary

WORD-2: Shores

CONTEXT: Many enterprising Indians have left the shores of Gujarat over the centuries in search of fortune and opportunity. India of the 2020s is, however, making them leave in desperation.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine going to the beach and playing on the sandy part right next to the water. That sandy part is called the “shores.” It’s the land along the edge of a sea, lake, or river.

MEANING: The land along the edge of a sea, lake, or river (noun).


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SYNONYMS: coastlines, beaches, banks, coast, seaside

1. The waves crashed against the shores.
2. They walked along the shores collecting shells.
3. The house had a beautiful view of the lake’s shores.
4. Fishermen brought their boats to the shores.


WORD-3: Tremendous

CONTEXT: “Gujarat’s development journey has received tremendous praise both across India and the world” — claimed an April 2014 article titled ‘The Gujarat Model’ on the website

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine the biggest birthday cake you’ve ever seen, much larger than you expected. “Tremendous” means something is really big or extremely good.

MEANING: Very great in amount, scale, or intensity (adjective).


SYNONYMS: enormous, huge, massive, enormous, gigantic

1. She felt a tremendous sense of relief.
2. The explosion caused tremendous damage.
3. He put in a tremendous amount of effort.
4. The support from the community was tremendous.

Astonishing Picture Vocabulary

WORD-4: Astonishing

CONTEXT: India is looking to defend its astonishing title win in men’s badminton.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine seeing a magician pull a rabbit out of a hat when you thought it was empty. That surprising and amazing moment is what “astonishing” describes. It means something is so surprising that it almost shocks you.

MEANING: Causing great surprise or amazement (adjective).


SYNONYMS: amazing, astounding, stunning, incredible, marvelous

1. Her recovery was astonishing.
2. The magician performed an astonishing trick.
3. It was astonishing how quickly the weather changed.
4. They achieved astonishing results in very little time.

Ordeals Picture Vocabulary

WORD-5: Ordeals

CONTEXT: If desperate Indians are jumping ship and bearing ordeals in search of decent livelihood, the country’s wealthy, the so-called “high net worth individuals” (HNIs), are buying golden visas to settle overseas.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine having to do something really hard, like walking a long way on a hot day without water. An “ordeal” is a difficult or painful experience that tests your strength or patience.

MEANING: Extremely difficult or painful experiences (noun).


SYNONYMS: trial, tribulation, hardship, ordeal, adversity

1. Surviving in the desert was an ordeal.
2. The journey turned into an ordeal after their car broke down.
3. She described her illness as an ordeal.
4. Completing the project was nothing less than an ordeal.

Eloquently Picture Vocabulary

WORD-6: Eloquently

CONTEXT: Time was when Indians complained about enforced migration. Novelists and historians have written eloquently about the fate of “indentured labour”, lured from their villages with the false promise of a better life and then pushed into slavery and drudgery. That was British India.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine someone telling a story so well that everyone listens quietly and understands everything. That’s being “eloquently.” It means speaking or writing in a way that is clear, effective, and beautiful.

MEANING: In a fluent or persuasive manner (adverb).


SYNONYMS: articulately, fluently, persuasively, expressively, gracefully

1. She spoke eloquently at the conference.
2. He argued his case eloquently.
3. The poem was written eloquently.
4. Her speech moved the audience eloquently.


WORD-7: Lured

CONTEXT: Time was when Indians complained about enforced migration. Novelists and historians have written eloquently about the fate of “indentured labour”, lured from their villages with the false promise of a better life and then pushed into slavery and drudgery.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you see a trail of your favorite candies leading to a surprise. You follow the candies because you want to find out what the surprise is. “Lured” means being attracted to something especially by being tricked or deceived.

MEANING: Tempted to do something or go somewhere, usually by offering some form of reward (verb).


SYNONYMS: enticed, attracted, tempted, seduced, decoyed

1. He was lured into the trap.
2. The shop lured customers with big discounts.
3. She was lured by the promise of easy money.
4. Animals were lured into the cage with food.


WORD-8: Drudgery

CONTEXT: Time was when Indians complained about enforced migration. Novelists and historians have written eloquently about the fate of “indentured labour”, lured from their villages with the false promise of a better life and then pushed into slavery and drudgery.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine having to erase a huge blackboard all by yourself after school every day; it’s tiring and not fun at all. “Drudgery” is when you have to do boring, hard work over and over again.

MEANING: Hard, menial, or dull work (noun).


SYNONYMS: toil, labor, grind, slog, chore

1. She was tired of the drudgery of her daily routine.
2. Office work can sometimes feel like drudgery.
3. The drudgery of household chores was exhausting.
4. He escaped the drudgery of his job by pursuing his passion for painting.


WORD-9: Indentured

CONTEXT: Interestingly, though, neither the indentured labour of the colonial era nor the working class in the Gulf region chose to return home.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine if you agreed to help someone for a long time because they helped you learn a new skill, like playing piano. In history, “indentured” was used when someone agreed to work for someone else for a set time to pay back a debt or learn a trade.

MEANING: Bound by contract to work for another for a specified period of time (adjective).


SYNONYMS: contracted, bound, tied, obligated, committed

1. He was indentured as an apprentice to a carpenter.
2. Many immigrants were indentured laborers in the 19th century.
3. The young writer was indentured to a newspaper for two years.
4. Indentured servants were common in colonial America.

WORD-10: Diaspora

CONTEXT: With over 20 lakh Indians migrating overseas every year, the regionally and professionally diversified Indian diaspora is now close to 30 million and non-resident Indians are now more than non-resident Chinese.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine a group of birds that fly to different places around the world instead of staying in one spot. “Diaspora” is a word used to describe people who have spread out to live in many different countries, usually from the same home country or culture.

MEANING: The dispersion of people from their original homeland.


SYNONYMS: emigration, dispersion, migration, expatriates, scattered community

1. The Jewish diaspora has communities all over the world.
2. The festival celebrated the culture of the Indian diaspora.
3. The diaspora maintains strong ties to their homeland.
4. Scholars study the effects of diaspora on identity and culture.



Vocabulary Definition

Title: “Making Sense of Words: A Strategic Approach to Learning ‘Vocabulary Definition'”

Understanding a language requires a deep grasp of the ‘vocabulary definition’. These precise meanings of words shape our understanding and communication. However, to successfully learn ‘vocabulary definition’, one must do more than just memorize a dictionary. So what’s the perfect approach to assimilating ‘vocabulary definition’?

The compelling answer is context. To truly comprehend ‘vocabulary definition’, expose yourself to diverse reading materials such as books, magazines, newspapers, and digital content. This approach equips you with a practical understanding of ‘vocabulary definition’ and illuminates the nuanced ways in which they get employed in conversation and writing.

An innovative way to enhance memory while learning ‘vocabulary definition’ involves visualization. By creating a mental image representing the definition, your brain can help cement the association between the word and its meaning, improving recall capability significantly.

Now, understanding and retaining ‘vocabulary definition’ is only one part of the equation. The other, equally essential part is application. Actively using these words in your personal conversations, professional communication, or social media posts will reinforce your understanding and usage of ‘vocabulary definition’.

Interactive language tools can be a great help when mastering ‘vocabulary definition’. Language-learning software and applications often provide comprehensive word definitions, examples, and even quizzes to test your learning progress.

In conclusion, the journey of embracing ‘vocabulary definition’ demands a blended approach. Diversified reading materials, visualization techniques, active application, and the leverage of modern language-learning tools together chart a pathway to mastering ‘vocabulary definition’. Remember, every word definition you conquer is a stepping stone leading you to the magnificent mansion of language proficiency. Happy learning!

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