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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words in Leading Indian Newspapers
Hi there. Welcome to this special section @ Wordpandit. Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting daily vocabulary words that you would come across in leading newspapers in the country. We have included the following newspapers in our selection:
• The Times of India
• The Economic Times
• Hindustan Times
• Mint
• Indian Express
We are putting in extensive work to develop your vocabulary. All you have to do is be regular with this section and check out this post daily. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in leading publications mentioned above.
Visit the website daily to learn words from leading Indian newspapers.

Word-1: Happenstance
Meaning: Chance or a chance situation, especially one producing a good result.
Synonyms: Coincidence, fate, incident, luck.
Usage Examples:
1. The happenstance of the Ardisia crenata disease was increasingly severe because Ardisia crenata had been planted in successive years as viewing fruit flowers.
2. Fortuitous happenstance ignites a foray of synergy between the two or the group.
3. This was a profitable happenstance for both the owners and the king.

Word-2: Opportune
Meaning: Happening at a time that is likely to produce success or is convenient.
Synonyms: Apt, auspicious, convenient, felicitous, fortuitous, fortunate, propitious, timely, appropriate, favourable, fit, fitting, etc.
Usage Examples:
1. Most opportune investments in other states have been made.
2. The announcement Tuesday may have come at a reasonable time.
3. This seemed like an opportune moment to ask the government to mount a tree-planting program.

Word-3: Hapless
Meaning: Describe someone unlucky and deserving of pity / unlucky and usually unhappy.
Synonyms: Unlucky, woeful, cursed, hexed, ill-fated, ill-starred, infelicitous, jinxed, jonah, loser, luckless, miserable, etc.
Usage Examples:
1. Charles Dickens returns; there is plenty of material for a new novel about pitiless employers and hapless employees.
2. I decided to be guided by a modified version of the National Parks Service motto, updated for hapless burglars.
3. The swing to Gore in the recounts in Broward and hapless Palm Beach counties helped cement the party too.

Word-4: Dissuade
Meaning: Someone from doing or believing something, you persuade them not to do or believe it.
Synonyms: Deter, discourage, divert, faze, prevent, thwart, warn, counsel, deprecate, derail, disincline, exhort, expostulate, hinder, prick, remonstrate, etc.
Usage Examples:
1. it might dissuade worthy lawsuits even if it fails to protect against outlandish ones.
2. At last, the Sun gave up trying to dissuade him.
3. St Barth’s strange lack of street names is meant to dissuade journalistic snoopers.

Word-5: Malicious
Meaning: Intending to cause harm, esp. by hurting someone’s feelings or reputation.
Synonyms: Malevolent, malignant, mischievous, nasty, pernicious, petty, spiteful, vengeful, venomous, vicious, virulent, wicked, awful, bad-natured, baleful, beastly, bitter, catty, cussed, deleterious, etc.
Usage Examples:
1. One cannot accustom oneself altogether to such malicious criticism.
2. The malicious rumours compromised her excellent reputation.
3. He complained that he’d been receiving malicious telephone calls.

Word-6: Fractious
Meaning: Disapprove of them because they become upset or angry very quickly about small, unimportant things.
Synonyms: Irritable, recalcitrant, restive, testy, unmanageable, unruly, awkward, captious, crabby, disorderly, fretful, froward, huffy, indocile, indomitable, etc.
Usage Examples:
1. Republicans have a fractious debate led by pro-choice governors, including California Gov.
2. The opening scenes of this fractious heist movie see him at his most acute.
3. Admittedly, they went to North Carolina as a fractious team with too many cliques.

Word-7: Milieu
Meaning: The people, physical and social conditions and events that provide the environment in which someone acts or lives.
Synonyms: Ambience, surroundings, background, bag, climate, element, locale, location, medium, neighbourhood, place, setting, space, sphere, turf, etc.
Usage Examples:
1. Most of us had raced motorcycles in one milieu or another and most finished on the podium more often than not.
2. In such cases, neighbourhood rather than milieu may have brought people together.
3. Gregory came from the same aristocratic milieu as Sidonius and his followers.

Word-8: Sagacity
Meaning: The quality of having or showing understanding and the ability to make good judgments.
Synonyms: Acumen, astuteness, brains, comprehension, discernment, discrimination, enlightenment, experience, foresight, insight, intelligence, judgment, knowledge, perceptiveness, perspicacity, practicality, etc.
Usage Examples:
1. Sagacity, unlike cleverness, may increase with age.
2. It required a statesman’s foresight and sagacity to decide.
3. Not that he was unconscious of his sagacity.

Word-9: Tokenism
Meaning: The practice of making only a perfunctory or symbolic effort to be inclusive to members of minority groups, especially by recruiting people from underrepresented groups in order to give the appearance of racial or gender equality within a workplace or educational context.
Synonyms: Duplicity, empty talk, hollow words, hypocrisy, hypocritical respect, insincerity, jive, lie, lip devotion, lip homage, lip praise, lip reverence, etc.
Usage Examples:
1. Private industry remained relatively immune to these decrees after the war, though tokenism flourished.
2. Within this paradigm, the two main criticisms levelled at mainstream Hollywood films are tokenism and homophobia.
3. The visit to Nyanga near Cape Town may have been tokenism, but at least it was a step in the right direction.

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