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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words in Leading Indian Newspapers
Hi there. Welcome to this special section @ Wordpandit. Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting daily vocabulary words that you would come across in leading newspapers in the country. We have included the following newspapers in our selection:
• The Times of India
• The Economic Times
• Hindustan Times
• Mint
• Indian Express
We are putting in extensive work to develop your vocabulary. All you have to do is be regular with this section and check out this post daily. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in leading publications mentioned above.
Visit the website daily to learn words from leading Indian newspapers.

Complexity Picture Vocabulary

WORD-1: Complexity

CONTEXT: That does not detract from the complexity of piracy or the reality that no theory fully captures its essence.

SOURCE: Indian express

Explanatory Paragraph: Think of a giant maze with lots of paths that twist and turn and cross over each other. Finding your way through is really tricky because it’s so “complex.” Complexity is like that—it means something has many parts that are connected in ways that make it hard to understand or solve.

MEANING: The state of being complicated or having many parts (Noun).


SYNONYMS: intricacy, complication, difficulty, elaborateness, convolutedness


  1. The complexity of the issue requires careful analysis.
  2. He enjoys puzzles of great complexity.
  3. The project’s complexity was underestimated at the beginning.
  4. The complexity of her emotions made her difficult to understand.

Impunity Picture Vocabulary

WORD-2: Impunity

CONTEXT: The lessons of the Bilkis Bano case are that the dignity, liberty, privacy and human rights of citizens are violated with impunity.

SOURCE: Indian express

Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine if someone could break rules, like skipping in line, without ever getting in trouble for it. That’s called “impunity.” It means someone can do something wrong but not have to face any consequences or punishment.

MEANING: Exemption from punishment or freedom from the consequences of
an action (Noun).


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SYNONYMS: exemption, immunity, freedom, license, exemption


  1. He acted with impunity, knowing he wouldn’t be caught.
  2. The corrupt official operated with impunity until an investigation was launched.
  3. There should be no impunity for those who commit serious crimes.
  4. The sense of impunity among the powerful can lead to abuses.

Bereaved Picture Vocabulary

WORD-3: Bereaved

CONTEXT: None could have poured out the anguish of a human better than an abused, violated and bereaved mother by name Bilkis Bano.

SOURCE: Indian express

Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine feeling very sad because you lost a toy that you loved a lot. When someone feels that way because they lost a person they loved, we call them “bereaved.” It means they are grieving because someone they care about has died.

MEANING: Suffering the loss of a loved one (Adjective).


SYNONYMS: grieving, mournful, sorrowful, heartbroken, mourning


  1. The bereaved family received support from their community.
  2. Counseling services were offered to the bereaved parents.
  3. The ceremony was a comfort to the bereaved relatives.
  4. As a bereaved spouse, he found the group meetings helpful.

Contriteness Picture Vocabulary

WORD-4: Contriteness

CONTEXT: The released convicts did not show any contriteness; nor did they walk into the sunset.

SOURCE: Indian express

Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine feeling really sorry about accidentally breaking your friend’s toy and wanting to say sorry. That feeling of being really sorry and regretful is called “contriteness.” It shows you feel bad about something wrong you did and wish you hadn’t done it.

MEANING: The state of feeling remorseful and penitent (Noun).


SYNONYMS: remorsefulness, repentance, penitence, regretfulness, ruefulness


  1. His contriteness was evident in his apology.
  2. She showed her contriteness by making amends for her actions.
  3. The contriteness in his voice was unmistakable.
  4. They accepted his expressions of contriteness and forgave him.

Reverence Picture Vocabulary

WORD-5: Reverence

CONTEXT: They were welcomed and feted with garlands and sweets. Some in the welcoming party touched their feet, showing reverence.

SOURCE: Indian express

Explanatory Paragraph: Think about how you might feel really quiet and respectful when you see something amazing like a huge, beautiful waterfall. That feeling of awe and respect is called “reverence.” It means you feel a deep respect or admiration for someone or something.

MEANING: Deep respect and admiration for someone or something (Noun).


SYNONYMS: respect, admiration, veneration, honor, awe


  1. The monument commands reverence from all who visit it.
  2. She spoke of her teacher with great reverence.
  3. The ceremony was conducted with solemn reverence.
  4. They held the traditions of their ancestors in reverence.


WORD-6: Reprieve

CONTEXT: This column is not about the unjustified reprieve won by the convicts.

SOURCE: Indian express

Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine you’re about to clean up a really big mess you made, but then someone says you can take a break and do it later. That break from cleaning is called a “reprieve.” It means a delay from something unpleasant that was going to happen.

MEANING: A cancellation or postponement of a punishment (noun); a temporary relief from harm or discomfort (noun).


SYNONYMS: respite, relief, pardon, stay, suspension


  1. The governor granted a reprieve to the prisoner.
  2. The rain brought a welcome reprieve from the heatwave.
  3. They received a reprieve from the final exam to study more.
  4. The weekend trip was a short reprieve from work stress.


WORD-7: Euphemism

CONTEXT: How did this high command, which is a euphemism for the Gandhi family, spend two weeks mulling over the invitation they got and then arrive at a decision that harms the party more than anyone else.

SOURCE: Indian express

Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine you want to talk about something embarrassing or unpleasant, like going to the bathroom, so instead, you say “I need to use the restroom.” Using a nicer sounding phrase like that is called a “euphemism.” It’s a way to say something in a softer or less direct way.

MEANING: A mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing (noun).


SYNONYMS: softening, understatement, polite term, indirect term, mild alternative


  1. “Passed away” is a euphemism for “died.”
  2. They used a euphemism to discuss the sensitive topic gently.
  3. “Let go” is a euphemism for being fired.
  4. The article used euphemisms to describe the distressing events.


WORD-8: Plausible

CONTEXT: A good reason but not plausible. It was Rajiv Gandhi who opened the locks to what was then the Babri Masjid and he organised his own consecration ceremony for a Ram Temple before the general election in 1989.

SOURCE: Indian express

Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine someone tells you a story about finding a dinosaur in their backyard. That sounds pretty unlikely, right? But if they told you they found a lost cat, you might believe them because it sounds “plausible.” That means it seems reasonable or believable.

MEANING: (Of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable (adjective).


SYNONYMS: believable, credible, reasonable, likely, conceivable


  1. Her story is plausible, but we need more evidence.
  2. It seems plausible that he was stuck in traffic.
  3. The theory is interesting, but is it plausible?
  4. She gave a plausible explanation for the missing money.


WORD-9: Consecration

CONTEXT: Pilgrims have started flocking to Ayodhya in such huge numbers that Modi has appealed for people to celebrate instead in their own homes on the day of the consecration.

SOURCE: Indian express

Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine having a special ceremony to make a playground into a community garden. That ceremony, which makes the place special for a new purpose, is called “consecration.” It means officially making something sacred or dedicating it to a special goal.

MEANING: The action of making or declaring something, typically a church, sacred (noun).


SYNONYMS: dedication, sanctification, blessing, hallowing, ordination


  1. The consecration of the new church drew a large crowd.
  2. The bishop performed the consecration of the altar.
  3. They held a consecration ceremony for the ancient burial site.
  4. Her life of service was a consecration to her beliefs.


WORD-10: Sickening

CONTEXT: We need the Congress Party to stop sulking and the BJP to put an end to the sickening triumphalism that its more hysterical cadres continue to exhibit.

SOURCE: Indian express

Explanatory Paragraph: Imagine smelling something really bad, like rotten eggs, and it makes you feel like you want to say “eww” and maybe even feel a bit sick. That feeling is what “sickening” means. It’s used to describe something that makes you feel ill or disgusted.

MEANING: Causing or liable to cause a feeling of nausea or disgust (adjective).


SYNONYMS: nauseating, disgusting, revolting, repulsive, stomach-turning


  1. The sight of the spoiled food was sickening.
  2. He felt a sickening thud as the car hit the post.
  3. The news of the tragedy had a sickening impact.
  4. The smell in the old basement was absolutely sickening.



Vocabulary English

Title: “Unlocking Language Power: Mastering ‘Vocabulary English'”

In the fascinating journey of language exploration, ‘vocabulary English’ stands as a powerful pillar. It represents the diverse array of words that bring thoughts and emotions to life. However, to unlock the full potential of ‘vocabulary English’, it’s necessary to adopt a comprehensive and strategic approach.

Understanding ‘vocabulary English’ goes beyond the mere repetition of words. It demands an intricate weave of understanding, memorization, and application. To grasp the essence of the ‘vocabulary English’, diversify your language resources. Engage with novels, biographies, news articles, and digital content to introduce yourself to words in real-world contexts.

A key to mastering ‘vocabulary English’ involves leveraging effective memory techniques. Use flashcards and digital apps that support active recall and spaced repetition. Mnemonic devices can also be beneficial. Establishing personal, visual, or narrative connections to words foster better recall and understanding.

Consistent exposure to ‘vocabulary English’ greatly enhances learning. Create dedicated time slots for regular vocabulary practice. This method not only consolidates learnt vocabulary but also introduces new words on a daily basis, ensuring a balanced and continuous learning process.

Practice holds the power to transform your ‘vocabulary English’ learning experience. Application of learnt words in daily conversations, professional communication, or digital platforms embeds them deeper into your long-term memory.

In essence, embracing ‘vocabulary English’ is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires immersion in various resources, using memory-enhancement techniques, continuous exposure, and above all, incessant practice. As you navigate this path, you’ll watch your ‘vocabulary English’ grow, raising your language proficiency and connectivity with the English-speaking world. It’s a fascinating journey that opens doors to different cultures, experiences, and opportunities. So, step forth, embrace ‘vocabulary English’, and let the journey begin!

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